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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  July 8, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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increase speed, the jet hovering far too low over the water. then just four seconds before impact the jet approaching the sea wall and from the black box the sound of what's called the stick shaker,en urgent warning mechanism that literally shakes the pilot's hands as seen here. that shaking telling the pilots the jet was suddenly moving too slowly to pull off a safe landing. then just a second and a half before impact a call from the dock pill for go around to circle the airport again. it was too late. the tail sheering off the back of the plane. at any time the ntsb investigate the crucial 7 seconds and the pilot in training. the airline says he was experienced in other aircraft but 43 hours training time on this plane. is that enough for this airport?
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>> there's always going to be the first time for someone to land at a different airport. >> the co-pilot just as important there to guide him. a clear view of the different shades of horror the passengers faced depending on where they were sitting. this passenger surveying the wreckage from the plane. he was sitting in 30 k. >> the very seat next to the door, yes. >> reporter: the challenge for him, that exit shoot mangled. he had to help passengers climb down out of that door using the debris as stairs. this woman, seat 40 c traveling with her 4-year-old son who broke his leg. you could see the flames through the windows. this man in 3 k dumped up to business class before the flight. those rows intact. a stroke of luck because the front of the plane was the first to catch fire. >> the second door is where you
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climbed out. >> reporter: tonight the firefighters first to respond climbing into the burns plane where they found trapped passengers in the back. >> you could see smoke coming right out the door there. >> could you see the fear in their faces? >> i think it was more shock that i saw. i didn't see fear. i saw shock. >> reporter: this evening new images of the two girls lost, the 16-year-old school girls from china. the fire chief telling me the investigation under way into the very real possibility that one of them might have been hit by one of the rescue trucks during the chaos. as a community back home remembers the young girls who formed that heart over their head with their arms. that would be just another heartbreaking development. i wanted to share with you something that firefighters told me, the ones who entered the plane while he it was burning. you can see the orange end of the plane, that's the tail that ripped off. they formed a sort of human chain to the back of the plane carrying the final passengers who were trapped down to safety.
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so many stories of heroism emerging here. >> thank you david and thank you for all the great reporting this weekend. as you said, there are so many stories that have everyone defining courage tonight. one of them we are talking about flight attendants on the plane. and a tiny fearless young woman who with quick thinking and super human strength saved a lot of lives. >> reporter: she was the very last person to make it out alive. then trying to make one final run to the back of the burning plane to be sure she left no one behind. >> translator: i had to hurry. i couldn't think of the danger to myself. >> reporter: that's the lead flight attendant with a child clinging to her back running as far away as she could. other survivors say she carried people twice her size to safety.
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>> she was so tiny and skinny. i couldn't believe how powerful, how strong she was. she was helping other flight attendants and even outside of the plane, after she got off the plane just running around the plane without fear. she was really brave. >> reporter: so brave she stayed to make sure everyone was okay, watching over as paramedics treat the passengers she had just saved. >> she was so composed i thought she had come from the terminal. she mentioned she was on the plane. she was a hero in my mind. >> she is the sully sullenberger of flight 214. >> translator: the child was afraid to go down the slide so i tried to encourage the child, put him on my back and slid down. >> reporter: through it all she says the only thing on her mind was rescuing the next passenger. what she didn't know is she rescued all of those passengers one by one and she, too, was hurt. she broke her tailbone she thinks during the crash landing. she only found out when she went
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to the hospital later that day and was told pie doctors. diane, a true hero. >> thanks to cecilia vega. i want to bring in a pilot investigate. you wanted to show us what it looks like if you had a perfect landing. >> this would be an average day. the pilot is stabilized on the glide path. the airplane is on speed. >> in this case what happened with these pilots on this plane is they are coming in at about 82 seconds out. you say they don't know anything is wrong? >> no. everything is good until 82 seconds. then the pilot disconnects all the computers and takes over manly. >> he should not have disconnected everything. >> no because the engines are back at idle. he's flying manuelly and at the
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very end the airplane is so slow it's below the speed. >> when we look at the experience of this pilot in this plane, 43 hours, is that a central explanation? what do we know? >> the co-pilot was the one who was really in charge of this flight. he was the check airman, the strucker, he was the guy who was supposed to be teaching how to fly the airplane. he failed to notice nobody was working the engines. >> having an experienced pilot in the co-pilot seat should have been fine. this happens all the time? >> happens all the time. >> thank you, corn medical. >> from our coverage of the plane crash we move other big stories today. george zimmerman on trial or the death of trayvon martin. today the father did everything to convince a jury that the cry on the audio tape was not zimmerman but his son.
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>> reporter: trayvon martin's father on the stand. >> my world has been turned upside down. >> asked about this 9/11 call the night his son was shot. >> he's yelling help? >> yes. >> i was listening to his life being taken. >> reporter: today he said the howls on the tape are his son's. >> i think the chairs had wheels on thaenld i find of pushed away from the table and just kind of shook my head and said i can't tell. >> reporter: homicide investigator says that's not what he told them when he first listened to it. >> he looked away and under his breath as i turntd it said no. >> reporter: george zimmerman's fate could hinge on the screams and the defense played it for witness after witness, all zimmerman friends, all agreeing.
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>> that's george's voice. >> i thought it was george. >> definitely it's georgie. >> they want to say he's the victim because now he's use self-defense. >> reporter: under cross-examination the detective noted when zimmerman heard the tape he didn't think it sounded like him either. >> i believe his words were that doesn't sound like me. >> reporter: that audio is so crucial that 11 of the 12 defense witnesses have been asked about who was screaming. tonight we learned another piece of evidence will be admissible. the amount of marijuana in trayvon martin's system. now we head overseas to the boiling unrest in egypt, the giant arab nation and a linchpin for america in the middle east. this map shows you one reason why. a major life line for the world's oil supply drives through the heart of that country which is on the drink tonight. alex marquardt is there. >> reporter: this is what
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america fears most, a massacre that could launch civil war. how it unfolded, caught on tape. this soldier on the roof, allegedly firing into the crowds of civilans. here a protester fires at soldiers. in the end more than 50 were killed and hundreds wounded, almost all supporters of egypt's ousted president mohammed morsi, shot by the army. both sides blame the other for starting it. 29-year-old mahmoud foud, shot in the leg tells ust the army opened fire as he and others prayed at dawn. it's a dangerous turn, and america knows it. a quarter of the region's arabs live in egypt. the fear is that if millions here give up on democracy, they could turn to extremism, even terror. >> where is my vote? where is his vote? >> reporter: then there's the oil. those 2 million barrels passing through egypt's suez canal every day. already the price of oil has jumped 7% in the past week. that could soon be felt at the pump.
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as the death toll rose today, morsi's group, the muslim brotherhood, told its members to rise up against the army. tonight new presidential elections were announced six months from now, but the question is can egypt go that long without slipping into chaos. alex marquardt. abc news, cairo. now back here at home after this holiday, talk about swept away. this weekend nearly 200 people were caught in rip current which pull swimmers away from the shore. in fact, they are deadlier than lightening, hurricanes and tornados combined. meteorologist ginger zee shows us what happens and what you should do. >> reporter: at least two deaths and 200 rescued this weekend. on an ma maria island, rescuers comfort a family who lost a 14-year-old son who drowned when
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he was caught in a rip current. they got farther than they wanted to see him out there. >> reporter: i suited up and hit the water. i soon discovered how powerful rip current are. in less than a minute i was pulled almost 100 yards from shore, traveling one to two feet every seco. when you turn around you can see how far we are from shore. this is exactly where many people panic. here's what you should do. relax, find the shore and start swimming parallel to it. do not swim the way you came. that's when you face it head on, the full power of the rip current. rip current aren't really that wide, a few yards to 50 yards at best so you can get out of them quickly. stay calm, don't fight it and stay safe. ginger zee. abc news. >> swim parallel to the shore. still ahead right here on "world news." lessons from that crash landing in san francisco. how did so many survive?
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the new hidden safeguards and what you can do to increase your chances of survival if the unthinkable happens. later, the country legend in critical condition tonight. the latest on randy travis. [ male announcer ] this is kevin.
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>> at the top of the broadcast we showed you stories from that crash landing in is to. every story of survival, a lesson in plane safety. david kerley now with simple things on a plane that we can all do. >> reporter: tests like these -- jets intentionally crashed. this one filmed by the discovery channel, as well as actual deadly accidents, have brought change to almost everything in the cabin. airline seats used to crumple in a crash. these are the new seats. built to withstand 16 gs, 16 times the force of gravity. the fabrics on those seats and many of the materials in the cabin are less flammable. giving passengers a few more precious seconds to escape. but experts say there is more we can do. adding airbags. many airlines have already installed them in business and first class but in economy?
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bracing is still one of the best ways to avoid injury. the back of that seat in front of you has padding. but there is a worry if airlines stuff in too many seats it's impossible to brace. and as we saw in this crash, many of those seat backs have tv screens. approved by the faa, but a worry to some. >> these little screens up there and you don't want to have to walk away from an otherwise survivable accident with an imprint of that on your head. >> reporter: some of the serious injuries in san francisco were to passenger's stomachs. that may be because passengers were wearing their seatbelt up here on the abdomen. it needs to be low. down on your hip bones to avoid stomach injuries. >> reporter: now you survived the crash. how do you get out? plane makers have to prove their jets can be completely evacuated in 90 seconds. but what about in a smokey fire? know how many rows you are from an exit door. and as this simulation shows, get down and follow the light. keep your chose on during landing and takeoff and the best advice from a former captain -- >> when the flight attendants say get on your feet and get out the airplane, you do it.
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>> reporter: don't forget, survival rates are 95%. the odds are on your side. >> our thanks to david kerley. coming up our "instant index." what happened when a very curious furry native of the north pole decided to come and inspect some visitors? the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or can not empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision,
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report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! our "instant index" tonight begins with late breaking health news about a country superstar. ♪ forever and ever
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♪ forever and ever amen >> word tonight that randy traf advice is in critical condition in a texas hospital suffering complications from a heart condition known as viral cardiomyopathy, an infection of the muscle tissue in the heart. everyone sending thoughts of him tonight. a new twist for the powerhouse star chef nigella lawson. today woe learned her husband is filing for divorce on the heels of those photos grabbing headlines, saatchi with his hand on her throat. he claims lawson failed to come to her defense. though he calls her the most wonderful world in the world and a lovely wife for so many years. here's a photo for the vacation skap book, sailing on the north pole when a little polar bear gets up on his hind legs, a kind of polar who is there. he moved in for a better look of
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the crews ship, a sniff and then a push. he circles back on his hind legs as if to say keep moving. quite a postcard for folks back home. place your bet right now. the royal birth is any moment so which of these three names is the number one guess for the new baby? the answer when we come back. ev. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition.
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finally tonight as we said any moment now a new royal baby will be born to prince william and kate. the people of england and all over the world are betting a lot of money on the gender and the name and pretty much everything else. here's abc's lama hasan. >> reporter: the nation has gone gaga for all things royal baby. >> this is where kate is due to give birth any minute now. i want to show you how much interest there is. look at the people poised for the historic moment and they've been here for the past ten days. but the world isn't just expecting. they are betting. >> we've taken somewhere around
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1,000 bets per day. >> reporter: the most money betting of course on the name. if it's a girl, alexandra, george if it's a boy. there's a wager on who will come out carrying the royal heir, perhaps prince william. 31 years ago both of his parents came out of the hospital revealing him to the world. back into 1948 when prince charles was born the foupss were set to been died blue for his rival. we simply don't know so that business of the guessing game goes on. >> the palace says william will tell the queen when the baby is born but he will not wake her up in the middle of the night. we thank you for watching the latest at "nightline" later and i'll see you right back here. good night.
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a female player gets judged beyond the game. techie ways for couples to sleep better and slim down by eating? our list of fat-fighting foods. you're on "the list." we've spent date searching the world's top trending stories. not unlike the producers of the "lone ranger" searches for excuses for their box office dud. here are the top five stories you need to know. >> at number one, flight 214. while investigators continue to find out the cause of the deadly crash of asiana airlines flight
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214, a headline in the "chicago stars time" caused outrage in the asian community. some believe it intentionally mocked asians who don't differentiate between "l" and "r" sounds. it's sick to use a play on words in a headline for a strategy. secondly, this is race its. in a statement to the asian american journalist association, the "sun times" said there was nothing intentional on our part to play off stereotypes. if anybody was offended, we are sorry. >> this time the announcer over the line. a radio announcer made disparaging comments about female wimbledon player marion bartoly. >> i wonder if her dad did say when you're 12, 13, 14shgs you're never going to be a looker. you are never going to be a
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sharapova or 5'11" or somebody with long legs. compensate with that. >> bartoly responded saying, i am not blonde. yes, that is a fact. have i dreamt about having a model contract? no, i'm sorry. have i dreamed about winning wimbledon? absolutely, yes. he apologized on the air and sent her a written letter but that isn't stopping the comments to the bbc and the outrage on twitter. andrew collins tweeted, "i guess john inverdale's dad said, john, you'll never be a looker. better be a male sports broadcaster. number three. forget pizza joints and hardware stores, a little league team in ohio has the black keys. the band from akron sponsored a team where the drummer once played. it's almost as cool as chico's male bond. the ba


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